But I stayed up laaaate last night reading a blog that so inspired me, I'm back... again... possibly with a little more direction and focus this time. For today, this is a craft blog.
So as promised "yesterday," here are some of my favorite projects from when I was enjoying one of the best jobs ever--crafts editor for HGTV.com. How fun was that! Good times.
Since I was thrilled to see pumpkins and mums at the grocery store tonight, I'm all in autumn mode. I'm thinking of color--changing leaves, Indian corn--and a crispness in the air. Which reminds me of my harvest angel...
Thanksgiving leftovers bags... (that first one says "yum")

and Indian corn husk flower napkin rings.
That brings us to trick-or-treat time, so here's the twist-or-treat Halloween basket (with the Easter bunny basket). I still can't believe I worked with twist paper. Ugh. But I like these, for some reason.
And, totally out of season but still favorites, my silk rose-and-peony lampshade (it looks much cuter in my house than it does in this office pic) and the kitchen angel, made out of discarded silverware and jewelry bits. I love recycling silverware into just about anything. That'll be another post... someday. Not tomorrow, but someday. I'm learning.

Lastly, part of why I'm so in love with autumn is it's the start of both "boyfriend season" and a roller-coaster ride of beloved holidays, including my all-time favorite, Christmas! I have two more deadlines to finish next week before I can start working on ornaments for the shop, like these sweet little snowman angels. (Yes, snowmen become angels when they melt. Hush.) Glitter, here I come!

And as for the blog that inspired me, I wonder--is it possible to have a crush on a blog?? Such a witty, handsome, fetchingly dressed gentleman. Reminds me of my sweet C *swoon*
I love angels of all kinds, and those snowmen are just darling!